Monday, January 30, 2012

A hot start to the 2012 season at Castella

79 riders attended the first Victorian event for the year on January 29, a number far in excess of what was expected. This figure was made all the more amazing by the fact it was the Australia Day weekend, and it was blazing hot (around 34).
It was great to see so many new faces, and different bikes.
Despite the heat, quite a few riders managed to clock up impressive lap tallies, including Grahame (KDX200) and Ryan (PE250) with 17 apiece.

Thanks to everyone who made the event possible; especially the officials/volunteers, first aid crew, Bingara Dell property owner, Discount Motorcycle Wreckers, Stacker Motorcycles, and anyone else we've forgotten.

Photos from the day have already started to appear on the Enduro Bike Talk forum and on the Vinduro forum (see links on right hand side menu).

Richard Reeve's photos can be viewed here:

Tell us about it

We'd love to hear any stories or anecdotes from riders who took part in this event. Drop us a line at